We decided to bring the future to the younger generation, we had an idea to connect with young individuals across the world to create a network of managers.

To do this we needed first to establish ourself as individuals, as a CEO i worked in the business for 15 years.

Once i was asked how do i endure and what are the hardships of creating such a vast network , how do i manage and is it worth it.. my answer in 4 points..

  • If your not willing to start young don’t start
  • If you doubt yourself ,you already failed
  • Trust in yourself and push forward no matter the obstacle and failures
  • Perseverance and heart are the biggest foundation of any business

Trust is hard thing to find these days, for people to follow you ,you need to trust them and vice versa, sometimes you need to take from yourself and give to your people and they will follow you!

Todays corporations are numbers,figures contracts and people are mostly also numbers. I really am trying to change that, to find time to talk to every an each of my colleagues, to be there when they need me! And to weigh when and how to help them!